

behind the why

"Why now?", "Why feminism?", "Why cultivating?", and even "Has she lost her mind?" are some of the questions I have been asked. Some maybe others have thought but kept to themselves. So I thought before I start diving right into changing the world with words, I would take the opportunity to give you all a glimpse of behind the whys.

First off, why not? Now, because I am in my mid-forties and wondering what is the purpose of my life. Feminism because it's not a bad thing and is relevant no matter your reproductive organs or how you identify. (Sit tight for those who just sucked in their breath or rolled their eyes). Cultivating because it has two significant meanings to me. And maybe, just maybe I have gone a little mad…..but oh, in the BEST way.

Now. I've been on several career paths (or jobs). All sort of intertwining in the weirdest ways and circling back on one another, like a gnarly old tree. A tree that hasn't grown straight up, but has bent with storms, had massive growth during abundance, has had to find other ways to grow when upward progress just wasn't possible. But one, that is secure in the soil in which it chose, and has reached deep in the earth with a solid root system it can rely on when times are tough. Roots that can find water when nothing is seen above the surface, ones that can hold nutrients and minerals when nothing is offered from the ecosystem in which it lives. My life has been like my career path. And as you sort of near that halfway mark (at least hopefully) of your life, you may start to question the purpose. Or at least I have spent a great deal of time wondering. I am digging deep, thinking bigger, and searching more. So that is the "why now?" Because I have put off long enough what I have said I've always wanted to do. Engage people with writing. Fear has been the biggest obstacle (and we will get into that along the way). So the now comes from "when else?". So cheers and let's go!

Feminism. Whew….that is a word with so many meanings and connotations. One that can be used to inspire and bring together, but one that can be used as an insult or a way to demean an idea or feeling. My journey with feminism is one that maybe others can also relate. Maybe it's a journey others have just begun and my sharing can help them with some of what I felt and experienced. Some may not even have given the word more than one thought and this is a way for me to share something with them. Some may feel it's an irrelevant word in today's world and think it needs to be toned down or silenced. And all I can say to the latter

is, don't read my stuff. Move one. This journey, my choice of feminism, really is for me. It's something that I hold personally and fondly and I'm taking a leap sharing this part of me with others.

Cultivating. There are two meanings significant to me. One in relation to farming, and one to learning and growing a skill or idea. Farming, because I grew up on a farm. I studied agriculture in college. And, while I took giant steps away from farming most of my adult life, the job I have now has brought me back closer to it. No matter my journey, farming is something that dwells deep in my roots. The other meaning is to acquire or develop. And my journey with feminism has been acquiring knowledge and developing a better understanding of myself as a woman and the world around me. Opening my eyes to a deeper understanding of others and how our world functions.

Finally, my mental state. I think it's pretty solid. I have my days, but overall I think my mind is clearer than it has been. This is why I want to pursue this now. I feel like I have had enough life experience to have something to write about. I have been intrigued, fascinated, changed, and enlightened on my feminist journey thus far. I am ready to bring some others along. I am ready to hear from those who have had similar journeys, completely different journeys, easier journeys, and more challenging ones. I am excited to learn more and change even more. I am excited to share this with you and hear from you. I'm excited to cultivate feminism in myself and my community.